Saturday, August 29, 2015

Buckle Up!

The first week zoomed on by, and it felt great! I don't know if I just feel comfortable in the classroom? Or my students are just really awesome? Or a mixture of both? Not sure, but the week was smooth. I implemented everything I had planned, and the kids responded positively. They all seemed to really enjoy the classroom environment.

I think a big part of the success this week was giving the responsibility to the students, and treating them with respect. They know that every action they decide to make has a consequence, good or bad. I let them decide on the class rules, the class jobs and I let them know that everything I do in the room is a result of their actions. I even let them set expectations for me, and they were honest with what they what from their teacher. And, I'm not talking about silly expectations like, "Mr. Salinas must bring us candy everyday - no. They said things like "Mr. Salinas must be thankful, forgiving, positive.." I'll post a picture later..I've never done it before, but it was a powerful conversation.

I don't know if that makes sense, but all of that takes away the "man, my teacher is really mean...let's find his weakness and revolt!" mentality. They feel like they are in control. Now I just need to keep it going for, what, nine more months?

I know I can do it - it's all mental. It's about faking confidence even when something doesn't go as planned. It's about the way I word things to the students. Letting them know that they have an influence with everything that happens in their classroom. Most importantly though, it's about staying positive. My students deserve to come in feeling important, knowing that they have a responsibility and a purpose. They don't need me to put them down, they need me to push them. To keep them in line. They need me to teach them to be better. I am strict with my students, but in a fair way.

I've never been on a roller coaster, but I always say that the year feels like one. There's some screaming. There's anxiety. There's adrenaline. It takes off really fast, goes through loops and changes, but if you do what you're suppose to - everything will be fine. In the end you'll smile, and do it again. Just to reiterate,  I've never been on a roller coaster, but I imagine teaching is the same thing.

Friday, August 21, 2015


Today is Meet-The-Teacher Night! 

My classroom is all set, and the students are slowly trickling in. I love seeing the kids before you really get to know them. You know nothing about them other than they are on your roster. It's a great position to be in. It's all fresh. I have no idea the backgrounds or personalities my kids are coming in with, and that is what is so exciting about Monday. I can't's also the one thing that causes a lot of anxiety. A lot of unknown. However, if I can follow my strict plan I have set for next week - my students and I will have an awesome year!!

That's kind of nerve racking too though...knowing that next week will determine how the rest of my year goes...

We'll see what happens.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Putting the Pieces Together

It's a new year! At a new school! In a new district!

I'm going to miss summer, but I'm ready to tackle year three. These first couple days back at work I've slowly been going through all my stuff and strategically placing it where I think it will benefit the classroom. So far everything is going smoothly. Butcher paper is being put up, computers being plugged in, organizing shelves, unraveling countless yards of border - all of that with a few days of meetings here and there. It's not that stressful.

For the beginning of the year, I always tend to be over-prepared and extra-organized. This is the time to think of everything that has to do with the environment of the classroom. Once my students show up, my focus is on them and the instruction I provide. I will probably never get to organizing that closet of outrageously placed math manipulatives once my kids are in.

In just three days I've managed to put my classroom together. Next week I plan on labeling some areas in the room, and then start the planning process! That's when the stress level will increase a bit.

I'll be updating this blog every week or so. In it I hope to provide an insight on my teaching style, as well, I will use this to share any new teaching resources and ideas I come across throughout the year.

Welcome to my classroom.
