Sunday, November 22, 2015

I am thankful for...

I was driving earlier this week, and as I sat in traffic I told myself that I needed to make it a goal to post more. I want to document my year because as a familiar voice at my school always says, "Great things are happening at Pecan Springs!" And I definitely believe that to be true. 

With this week being only two days, and with lesson plans complete for the next week or so, I found that I have some spare time this Sunday afternoon. This is perfect because I started a tradition my first year teaching, and I today I continued it. 

Because this is the week to reflect on everything we are thankful for, I always make sure to bring the theme into my classroom (as do most teachers.) Something I began when I started teaching was a simple thank you note to each student. A little card to let the students know that they are appreciated and to highlight two qualities that they exhibit. 

As I was writing their cards, I reflected just how thankful I truly am for my students and my school. They push me everyday to be the best I can be, and they constantly challenge me each day to be better. Always reminding me that there is room for improvement. I love my job, and no matter how difficult or stressful it may be - this is my career and each challenge makes me stronger. I am thankful for where I ended up this school year. 

In addition, I am thankful for my three day break, sleep, and pie.
Enjoy it everyone! And if anybody happens to read this before the end of the year, go pick up some thank you cards and let your students know how awesome they are. 

Thank-you cards ready to go! 

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